Horoscope Making

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Astrology the divine science gifted by the god to know about the future. It is carried through generations in the form of old scriptures. Most of the scriptures are based on the mathematical and predictive techniques of astrology. Know the whole life story of a person printed in a book and plan his life to the best of his potential and personal manifestation.

 Horoscope Analysis

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Astrology the divine science gifted by the god to know about the future. It is carried through generations in the form of old scriptures. Most of the scriptures are based on the mathematical and predictive techniques of astrology. Know the whole life story of a person printed in a book and plan his life to the best of his potential and personal manifestation.

 Marriage Compatibility

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Marriage is a sacred occasion for all human being. While second marriage is not acceptable easily in India. Therefore great care has to be exercised in uniting a girl and boy in wedlock. To ensure a long and happy married life, we devised a method of testing matrimonial adaptability which is called 'Marriage Matching'.


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In which way should your professional line go ?
What is the best suitable profession for you ?


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You need a daughter or a son ?
Your expected child is either a son or a daughter ?
We have the solution point.


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You need success ,profit and improvement in your business venture.
It is possible.


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The unhealthiness due to indiscriminate  incompatible intake of food, environmental influence which is cured by medicine but this is also invited by unchaste go of life, in adherence, biological deficiency, unadjusted complexes and most important misdeeds of past life etc. is  cured by Astrological Curopathy which is only developed by  Dr. Niranjan Mirsha.

 Vastu Sastra

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Vastu shastra is a science which deals with natural forces and energies. This subject seems mysterious. But, all its rules and regulations are based on basic sciences, particularly to the principles of physics pertaining to forces and energies. 

 Free : Self Judgment

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Think about a subject, Mark any where on the table, closing your eyes. Check the number and get your answer from the table below.

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Many a thing, specially astrology is a devil's den if it does not goad one to Lord, Good and God; astrologers who are not devoted to Lord, Good and God, and who drag people down to deterioration by evil suggestions arethe consuls of Satan